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CAD DETAILS > Thermal and Moisture Protection > 07 40 00 - Roofing and Siding Panels

Roofing and Siding Panels CAD Drawings

Free Roofing and Siding Panels Architectural CAD drawings and blocks for download in dwg or pdf formats for use with AutoCAD and other 2D and 3D design software.

By downloading and using any ARCAT CAD drawing content you agree to the following license agreement.

Architectural, Commercial & Industrial Panels - CI


2-CFR-01 - CFR Low Eave Detail

2-CFR-02 - CFR Low Eave Detail with Northern Gutter

2-CFR-03 - CFR Low Eave Detail with Standard Gutter

2-CFR-04 - CFR High Eave Detail

2-CFR-06 - Application: Commercial & Industrial

2-CFR-07 - CFR Intermediate Attachment Detail

2-CFR-08 - CFR Endlap Attachment Detail

2-CFR-09 - CFR Ridge Detail

2-CFR-10 - CFR Roof to High Wall Transition Detail

2-CFR-11 - CFR High Eave Transition with High Wall Detail

2-CFR-12 - CFR Corner and End-Cap Detail with Standard Gutter

2-CFR-13 - CFR Corner and End-Cap Detail with Northern Gutter

2H-BE-01 - Horiz Base Detail at Floor w/ Lip Trim

2H-BE-02 - Horiz. Overhanging Base w/ Drip Trim

2H-BE-03 - Soffit Detail

2H-EW-02 - Horizontal Jamb Detail with Extrusion

Architectural, Commercial & Industrial Panels - CI-CF-1


CI-CF-FP 1-2 - Fastening Patterns

CI-CF-FP 3-4 - Fastening Patterns

CI-CF-FP 5-6 - Fastening Patterns

CI-CF-FP 7-8 - Fastening Patterns

CI-CF-FP 9-10 - Fastening Patterns

CI-CF-FSTN-01C - Attachment Back Fastened w/ Girt Clips

CI-CF-FSTN-01D - Attachment Back Fastened w/ Rivets

CI-CF-HD-01 - Head w/ Two Piece Trim

CI-CF-HD-02 - O.H. Door Head w/ Two Piece Trim

CI-CF-INDEX-1 - Index Sheet 1

CI-CF-INDEX-2 - Index Sheet 2

CI-CF-INFO-1 - Disclaimer

CI-CF-INFO-2 - Sealants & Fasteners

CI-CF-JB-01 - Jamb w/ Two Piece Trim

CI-CF-JB-02 - Jamb w/ Deep Trim

CI-CF-JT-01 - Panel Profiles

CI-CF-JT-02 - Panel Profiles

CI-CF-JT-03 - CF Panel Joint Details

CI-CF-JT-FSTN-01A - Attachment - Sidejoint - Pre-Engineered Support

CI-CF-JT-FSTN-01B - Attachment - Sidejoint - Structural Steel Support

CI-CF-PEN-1 - Pipe Penetration - Field of Panel

CI-CF-PEN-2 - Pipe Penetration - Notched Panel

CI-CF-PEN-3 - Pipe Penetration - At Panel Joint

CI-CF-PEN-4 - Pipe Penetration - Weather Seals at Joint

CI-CF-PEN-5 - Pipe Penetration - Flashing

CI-CF-PEN-6 - Beam Penetration

CI-CF-PEN-7 - Beam Penetration - Flashing

CI-CF-SJ-01 - Stack Joint w/ Trim

CI-CF-SL-01 - Sill Detail w/ Flat Trim

CI-CF-T-01 - Trim Laps at Framed Opening

CI-CF-TP-01 - Parapet (Supported) w/ Trim

CI-CF-VE-01 - Eave Detail - Conventional Roof

Architectural, Commercial & Industrial Panels - CI-TS


CFT02001 - CFR Roof - Thermalsafe Wall Standard Gutter

CFT02005 - CFR Roof - Thermalsafe Wall Northern Gutter

CFT02020 - CFR Roof - Thermalsafe Wall with Eave Trim

CFT03001 - CFR Roof - Thermalsafe Wall Standard Rake Trim

CFT05001 - CFR Roof - Thermalsafe Wall High Side Trim

CFT06001 - CFR Roof - Thermalsafe Wall Below Eave Tie-In Common Wall Sheeted

CFT06002 - CFR Roof - Thermalsafe Wall Below Eave Tie-In Common Wall Open

CFT06010 - CFR Roof - Thermalsafe Wall Rake Parapet Tie-In Common Wall Open

TSW-CG-01 - Ceiling Butt Joint Detail

TSW-CG-02 - Ceiling/High Wall Detail

TSW01001 - Base Detail - Base Angle Vertical ThermalSafe Panel

TSW01101 - Base Detail Horizontal ThermalSafe Panel

TSW01103 - Base Detail - Base Channel Horizontal ThermalSafe Panel

TSW02001 - Outside Corner Vertical ThermalSafe Panel

TSW02003 - Outside Corner - Mitered Vertical ThermalSafe Panel

TSW02005 - Inside Corner Vertical ThermalSafe Panel

TSW02101 - Outside Corner Horizontal ThermalSafe Panel

TSW02103 - Outside Corner Horizontal ThermalSafe Panel

TSW03001 - Cross Section ThermalSafe Panel

TSW03010 - Fastener Patterns TSFP2 for Vertical ThermalSafe Panel

TSW03011 - Fastener Patterns TSFP2 for Vertical ThermalSafe Panel

TSW03012 - Fastener Patterns TSFP3 for Vertical ThermalSafe NEF Panel

TSW03016 - Intermediate Fastener Attachment Thermal Stress Relief Vertical ThermalSafe Panel

TSW03020 - Vertical Joint Detail ThermalSafe Panel

TSW03022 - Vertical Stack Joint ThermalSafe Panel

TSW03110 - Fastener Patterns at Panel Ends Horizontal ThermalSafe Panel

TSW03112 - Intermediate Fastener Patterns for Horizontal ThermalSafe Panel

TSW03120 - Horizontal Joint Detail ThermalSafe Panel

TSW03121 - 3 Hr. Fire Rating Horizontal Joint Fastneing - 8" ThermalSafe Panel

TSW03122 - Vertical Joint Detail Horizontal ThermalSafe Panel

TSW10001 - 3 Hr. Fire Rating Joint Fastening 8" ThermalSafe Panel

Click-on Battens


SF-00-5000 - Timber Click-on Battens Profiles

SF-4001 - Click-on Battens Aluminium Profiles

SF-4002 - Click-on Battens End Junction Detail

SF-4003 - Click-on Battens Standard Mounting Track

SF-4004 - Click-on Battens Curving Mounting Track

SF-4005 - Click-on Battens Slim Mounting Track

SF-4006 - Click-on Battens Corner Clip

SF-4007 - Typical Ceiling Track Joiner and Clip Connection

SF-4008 - Typical Ceiling Track Joiner and Clip Connection at 35mm Battens Gap with Linear Lights

SF-4009 - Pivot Door

SF-4010 - Concealed Access Door

SF-4011 - Parliament Hinge Door

SF-4012 - Bifold Door

SF-4013 - Battens Inlaid Lighting

SF-4014 - Ceiling Battens Linear Lighting

SF-4015 - Battens Cove Lighting Section View

SF-4016 - Battens Down Lighting

Composite Wall Panels

Petersen Aluminum Corp.

3000RS Inside Corner Detail

3000RS Joint Detail Horizontal

3000RS Joint Detail Vertical

3000RS Outside Corner Detail

3000RS Parapet Detail

3000RS Side Wall Detail

3000RS Sill Detail

3000RS Soffit Detail

3000RS Window Condition

3000RS Window Condition Detail

Hardie Architectural Collection

James Hardie Building Products, Inc.

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing All Details

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing Door-Window Jamb

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing Fixture Penetration

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing Grade Clearance

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing Hardscape Clearances, Decks, Porches, Patios, Walkways, Roofs, Etc

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing Horizontal Lap View

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing Inside Corner

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing Outside Corner

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing Parapet

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing Window Sill

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing Window-Door Head

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring All Details

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Door-Window Jamb - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Fixture Penetration - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Grade Clearance - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Hardscape Clearances, Rainscreen, Decks

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Horizontal Lap View - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Inside Corner - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Outside Corner - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Parapet - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Window Sill - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Window-Door Head - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Groove Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Door-Window Jamb - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Fixture Penetration - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Grade Clearance - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Hardscape Clearances - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Horizontal View - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Inside Corner - Rainscreen - 1

Artisan V-Rustic Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Inside Corner - Rainscreen - 2

Artisan V-Rustic Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Outside Corner - Rainscreen - 1

Artisan V-Rustic Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Outside Corner - Rainscreen - 2

Artisan V-Rustic Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Window Sill - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Window-Door Head - Rainscreen

Parapet - Artisan V-Rustic Steel Framing with Steel Z Furring Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing All Details

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing Door-Window Jamb

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing Fixture Penetration

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing Grade Clearance

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing Hardscape Clearances Decks Porches Patios Walkways Roofs Etc

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing Horizontal Lap View

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing Inside Corner

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing Inside Corner - Mitered Lap Siding

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing Outside Corner

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing Outside Corner - Mitered Lap Siding

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing Parapet

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing Window Sill

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing Window-Door Head

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips All Details

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Door-Window Jamb - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Fixture Penetration - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Grade Clearance - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Hardscape Clearances Rainscreen Decks

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Horizontal Lap View - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Inside Corner - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Outside Corner - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Parapet - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Window Sill - Rainscreen

Artisan Lap-Siding Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Window-Door Head - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing 1-2 in. or Less Penetration Treatment

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Door-Window Jamb

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Fixture Penetration

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Grade Clearance

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Hardscape Clearances

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Horizontal Break at Floor Transition

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Inside Corner

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Outside Corner - 1

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Outside Corner - 2

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Outside Corner - 3

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Vented Parapet

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Ventilated Parapet Wall

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Wall and Soffit for Vented

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Wall and Soffit for Ventilated

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Window Sill

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing Window-Door Head

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips 1-2' or Less Penetration Treatment - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Door-Window Jamb - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Fixture Penetration - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Grade Clearance - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Hardscape Clearances - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Horizontal Break at Floor Transition - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Inside Corner - Rainscreen - 1

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Inside Corner - Rainscreen - 2

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Inside Corner - Rainscreen - 3

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Outside Corner - Rainscreen - 1

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Outside Corner - Rainscreen - 2

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Outside Corner - Rainscreen - 3

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Vented Parapet

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Ventilated Parapet Wall

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Wall and Soffit for Vented Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Wall and Soffit for Ventilated Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Window Sill - Rainscreen

Artisan V-Rustic Wood Framing with Wood Furring Strips Window-Door Head - Rainscreen

Hardie Architectural Collection - Recessed Window with Wood

Hardie Architectural Collection - Recessed Window with Wood - Extended Trim

Hardie Architectural Collection - Recessed Window with Wood - Fiber Cement Trim

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.01a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.01b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.02a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.02b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.03a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.03b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.03c

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.03d

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.04a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.04b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.04c

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.05a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.05b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.05c

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.05d

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.06

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.07

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.08a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.08b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.09a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.09b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.09c

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.09d

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.10a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.10b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.10c

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.10d

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.11a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.11b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Textured Panel Wood Framing - Wood Furring - 1.12

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.01a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.01b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.02a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.02b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.03a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.03b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.03c

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.03d

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.04a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.04b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.04c

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.05a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.05b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.05c

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.05d

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.06

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.07

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.08a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.08b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.09a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.09b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.09c

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.09d

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.10a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.10b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.10c

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.10d

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.11a

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.11b

Hardie Architectural Collection - Wood Framing - 3.12

Insulated Composite Backup Panels




H IE - MR100-03 BASE





H IE - MR100-08 SOFFIT




H IE - MR100-11 END WALL

MR100-02 Vertical Joint

MR100-03 Base at Slab

MR100-03A Foundation Detail

MR100-03P Foundation

MR100-04 Window Head

MR100-04P Window Head

MR100-05 Window Jamb

MR100-05P Window Jamb

MR100-06 Window Sill

MR100-06P Window Sill

MR100-07 Roof at Low Parapet

MR100-07P Parapet

MR100-09 Outside 90 Corner

MR100-09A Outside 90 Mitered Corner

MR100-09P Outside 90 Corner

MR100-10 Inside 90 Corner

MR100-10P Inside 90 Corner

MR100-11 End Wall

MR200-01 Foundation with Studs

MR200-03 Roof at Low Parapet

MR200-04 Window Sill

MR200-05 Window Head Lintel Angle

MR200-06 Window Jamb

MR200-07 Outside 90 Corner

MR200-08 Inside 90 Corner

MR200-09 End Wall

MR200-10 Vertical Joint

MR300-01 Horizontal Panel Joint

MR300-02 Vertical Joint

MR300-03A Foundation

MR300-04 Window Head

MR300-05 Window Jamb

MR300-06 Window Sill

MR300-07 Parapet

MR300-09 Outside 90 Corner

MR300-10 Inside 90 Corner

MR300-11 End Wall

MW Clips-02 Vertical Joint

MW Clips-03 Foundation Detail

MW Clips-04 Window Head

MW Clips-05 Window Jamb

MW Clips-06 Window Sill

MW Clips-07 Roof at Low Parapet

MW Clips-09 Outside 90 Corner

MW Clips-10 Inside 90 Corner

MW Clips-11 End Wall

MWLS-02 Vertical Joint

MWLS-03 Foundation

MWLS-04 Window Head

MWLS-05 Window Jamb

MWLS-06 Window Sill

MWLS-07 Parapet

MWLS-09A Outside 90 Mitered Corner

MWLS-09B Outside 90 Corner

MWLS-10A Inside 90 Mitered Corner

MWLS-10B Inside 90 Corner

MWLS-11 End Wall

Insulated Metal Panels


FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal

2H IMV-0001 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Base 1 of 2

2H IMV-0002 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Base 2 of 2

2H IMV-0004 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Parapet 1 of 2

2H IMV-0005 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Parapet 2 of 2

2H IMV-0006 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Soffit 1 of 5

2H IMV-0007 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Soffit 2 of 5

2H IMV-0008 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Soffit 3 of 5

2H IMV-0009 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Soffit 4 of 5

2H IMV-0010 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Soffit 5 of 5

2H IMV-0011 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Vertical Joint

2H IMV-0013 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Outside Corner

2H IMV-0015 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Inside Corner 1 of 2

2H IMV-0016 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Inside Corner 2 of 2

2H IMV-0017 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Head 1 of 2

2H IMV-0018 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Sill 1 of 2

2H IMV-0019 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Jamb 1 of 3

2H IMV-0019A - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Jamb 2 of 3

2H IMV-0020 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Head 2 of 2

2H IMV-0021 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Sill 2 of 2

2H IMV-0022 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - Jamb 3 of 3

2H IMV-0024 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - End Wall 1 of 3

2H IMV-0024A - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - End Wall 2 of 3

2H IMV-0025 - FWDS: 2 Horizontal - End Wall 3 of 3

2V-0001 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Base 1 of 2

2V-0004 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Base 2 of 2

2V-0005 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Parapet 1 of 2

2V-0008 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Parapet 2 of 2

2V-0011 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Stack 1 of 2

2V-0014 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Stack 2 of 2

2V-0015 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Soffit 1 of 7

2V-0016 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Soffit 2 of 7

2V-0017 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Soffit 3 of 7

2V-0018 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Soffit 4 of 7

2V-0019 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Soffit 5 of 7

2V-0019A - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Soffit 6 of 7

2V-0020 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Soffit 7 of 7

2V-0023 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Outside Corner 1 of 2

2V-0023A - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Outside Corner 2 of 2

2V-0025 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Expansion Joint 1 of 2

2V-0025A - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Expansion Joint 2 of 2

2V-0029 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Inside Corner

2V-0030 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Head

2V-0031 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Sill

2V-0032 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - End Wall 1 of 3

2V-0033 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - End Wall 2 of 3

2V-0034 - FWDS: 2 Vertical - End Wall 3 of 3

2V-0035A - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Jamb 1 of 4

2V-0035B - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Jamb 2 of 4

2V-0035C - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Jamb 3 of 4

2V-0035D - FWDS: 2 Vertical - Jamb 4 of 4

2_5H FWGS IMV-0001 - Formawall Dimension Series - Base 1 of 3

2_5H FWGS IMV-0002 - Formawall Dimension Series - Base 2 of 3

2_5H FWGS IMV-0003 - Formawall Dimension Series - Base 3 of 3

2_5H FWGS IMV-0004 - Formawall Dimension Series - Parapet 1 of 2

2_5H FWGS IMV-0005 - Formawall Dimension Series - Parapet 2 of 2

2_5H FWGS IMV-0006 - Formawall Dimension Series - Soffit 1 of 4

2_5H FWGS IMV-0007 - Formawall Dimension Series - Soffit 2 of 4

2_5H FWGS IMV-0008 - Formawall Dimension Series - Soffit 3 of 4

2_5H FWGS IMV-0010 - Formawall Dimension Series - Soffit 4 of 4

2_5H FWGS IMV-0011 - Formawall Dimension Series - Vertical Joint 1 of 2

2_5H FWGS IMV-0012 - Formawall Dimension Series - Vertical Joint 2 of 2

2_5H FWGS IMV-0013 - Formawall Dimension Series - Outside Corner

2_5H FWGS IMV-0014 - Formawall Dimension Series - Inside Corner 1 of 4

2_5H FWGS IMV-0015 - Formawall Dimension Series - Inside Corner 2 of 4

2_5H FWGS IMV-0015A - Formawall Dimension Series - Inside Corner 3 of 4

2_5H FWGS IMV-0016 - Formawall Dimension Series - Inside Corner 4 of 4

2_5H FWGS IMV-0017 - Formawall Dimension Series - Head

2_5H FWGS IMV-0018 - Formawall Dimension Series - Sill 1 of 2

2_5H FWGS IMV-0019 - Formawall Dimension Series - Jamb 1 of 3

2_5H FWGS IMV-0019A - Formawall Dimension Series - Jamb 2 of 3

2_5H FWGS IMV-0019B - Formawall Dimension Series - Jamb 3 of 3

2_5H FWGS IMV-0021 - Formawall Dimension Series - Sill 2 of 2

2_5H FWGS IMV-0024 - Formawall Dimension Series - End Wall 1 of 2

2_5H FWGS IMV-0024A - Formawall Dimension Series - End Wall 2 of 2

2_5H-0001 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Base 1 of 2

2_5H-0002 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Base 2 of 2

2_5H-0004 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Parapet 1 of 2

2_5H-0005 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Parapet 2 of 2

2_5H-0006 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 1 of 5

2_5H-0007 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 2 of 5

2_5H-0008 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 3 of 5

2_5H-0009 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 4 of 5

2_5H-0010 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 5 of 5

2_5H-0011 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Vertical Joint

2_5H-0012 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Expansion Joint

2_5H-0013 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Outside Corner

2_5H-0014 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Inside Corner 1 of 2

2_5H-0015 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Inside Corner 2 of 2

2_5H-0017 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Head 1 of 2

2_5H-0018 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Sill 1 of 2

2_5H-0019 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Jamb 1 of 2

2_5H-0020 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Head 2 of 2

2_5H-0021 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Sill 2 of 2

2_5H-0022 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Jamb 2 of 2

2_5H-0024 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - End Wall 1 of 2

2_5H-0025 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - End Wall 2 of 2

2_5V-0001 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Parapet

2_5V-0002 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Base

2_5V-0006 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Parapet

2_5V-0011 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Stack 1 of 2

2_5V-0014 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Stack 2 of 2

2_5V-0015 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Soffit 1 of 3

2_5V-0017 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Soffit 2 of 3

2_5V-0020 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Soffit 3 of 3

2_5V-0025 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Expansion Joint 1 of 2

2_5V-0025A - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Expansion Joint 2 of 2

2_5V-0026 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Outside Corner 1 of 2

2_5V-0026A - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Outside Corner 2 of 2

2_5V-0029 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Inside Corner

2_5V-0030 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Head

2_5V-0031 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - Sill

2_5V-0032 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - End Wall 1 of 3

2_5V-0033 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - End Wall 2 of 3

2_5V-0034 - FWDS: 2.5 Vertical - End Wall 3 of 3

2_5gh-0001 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Base 1 of 3

2_5gh-0002 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Base 2 of 3

2_5gh-0003 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Base 3 of 3

2_5gh-0004 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Parapet 1 of 2

2_5gh-0005 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Parapet 2 of 2

2_5gh-0006 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 1 of 4

2_5gh-0007 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 2 of 4

2_5gh-0008 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 3 of 4

2_5gh-0009 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 4 of 4

2_5gh-0010 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Vertical Joint

2_5gh-0012 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Outside Corner

2_5gh-0013 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Inside Corner

2_5gh-0015 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Head 1 of 2

2_5gh-0016 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Sill 1 of 2

2_5gh-0017 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Jamb 1 of 2

2_5gh-0018 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Head 2 of 2

2_5gh-0019 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Sill 2 of 2

2_5gh-0020 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - Jamb 2 of 2

2_5gh-0022 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - End Wall 1 of 2

2_5gh-0023 - FWGX: 2.5 Horizontal - End Wall 2 of 2

2_5gv-0001 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Base 1 of 4

2_5gv-0002 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Base 2 of 4

2_5gv-0003 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Base 3 of 4

2_5gv-0004 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Base 4 of 4

2_5gv-0005 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Parapet 1 of 6

2_5gv-0006 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Parapet 2 of 6

2_5gv-0007 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Parapet 3 of 6

2_5gv-0008 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Parapet 4 of 6

2_5gv-0009 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Parapet 5 of 6

2_5gv-0010 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Parapet 6 of 6

2_5gv-0011 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Stack 1 of 4

2_5gv-0012 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Stack 2 of 4

2_5gv-0013 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Stack 3 of 4

2_5gv-0014 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Stack 4 of 4

2_5gv-0015 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Soffit 1 of 7

2_5gv-0016 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Soffit 2 of 7

2_5gv-0017 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Soffit 3 of 7

2_5gv-0018 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Soffit 4 of 7

2_5gv-0019 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Soffit 5 of 7

2_5gv-0020 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Soffit 6 of 7

2_5gv-0021 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Soffit 7 of 7

2_5gv-0022 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Expansion Joint 1 of 2

2_5gv-0023 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Expansion Joint 2 of 2

2_5gv-0024 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Outside Corner

2_5gv-0025 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Inside Corner

2_5gv-0026 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Head 1 of 3

2_5gv-0027 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Head 2 of 3

2_5gv-0027A - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Head 3 of 3

2_5gv-0028 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Sill 1 of 3

2_5gv-0028A - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Sill 2 of 3

2_5gv-0029 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Sill 3 of 3

2_5gv-0030 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - End Wall 1 of 3

2_5gv-0031 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - End Wall 2 of 3

2_5gv-0032 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - End Wall 3 of 3

2_5gv-0033 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Jamb 1 of 3

2_5gv-0034 - FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Jamb 2 of 2

2_5gv-0035FWGX: 2.5 Vertical - Jamb 3 of 3

2_5h IMV-0001 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Base 1 of 3

2_5h IMV-0002 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Base 2 of 3

2_5h IMV-0003 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Base 3 of 3

2_5h IMV-0004 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Parapet 1 of 2

2_5h IMV-0005 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Parapet 2 of 2

2_5h IMV-0006 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 1 of 5

2_5h IMV-0007 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 2 of 5

2_5h IMV-0008 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 3 of 5

2_5h IMV-0009 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 4 of 5

2_5h IMV-0010 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Soffit 5 of 5

2_5h IMV-0011 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Vertical Joint

2_5h IMV-0013 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Outside Corner

2_5h IMV-0015 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Inside Corner 1 of 2

2_5h IMV-0015A - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Inside Corner 2 of 2

2_5h IMV-0017 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Head 1 of 3

2_5h IMV-0017A - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Head 2 of 3

2_5h IMV-0018 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Sill 1 of 2

2_5h IMV-0019 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Jamb 1 of 3

2_5h IMV-0019A - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Jamb 2 of 3

2_5h IMV-0019B - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Jamb 3 of 3

2_5h IMV-0020 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Head 3 of 3

2_5h IMV-0021 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - Sill 2 of 2

2_5h IMV-0024 - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - End Wall 1 of 2

2_5h IMV-0024A - FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal - End Wall 2 of 2

3TGV-0001 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Base 1 of 2

3TGV-0004 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Base 2 of 2

3TGV-0005 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Parapet 1 of 2

3TGV-0008 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Parapet 2 of 2

3TGV-0011 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Stack 1 of 2

3TGV-0014 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Stack 2 of 2

3TGV-0015 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Soffit 1 of 4

3TGV-0016 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Soffit 2 of 4

3TGV-0017 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Soffit 3 of 4

3TGV-0018 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Soffit 4 of 4

3TGV-0021 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Expansion Joint 1 of 2

3TGV-0022 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Expansion Joint 2 of 2

3TGV-0023 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Outside Corner

3TGV-0024 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Insider Corner

3TGV-0025 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Head

3TGV-0027 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Sill

3TGV-0029 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - End Wall 1 of 3

3TGV-0030 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - End Wall 2 of 3

3TGV-0031 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - End Wall 3 of 3

3TGV-0032 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Jamb 1 of 2

3TGV-0033 - FWGX - 3T Vertical - Jamb 2 of 2

3TH FWGS IMV-0001 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Base 1 of 3

3TH FWGS IMV-0002 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Base 2 of 3

3TH FWGS IMV-0003 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Base 3 of 3

3TH FWGS IMV-0004 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Parapet 1 of 2

3TH FWGS IMV-0005 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Parapet 2 of 2

3TH FWGS IMV-0006 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Soffit 1 of 4

3TH FWGS IMV-0007 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Soffit 2 of 4

3TH FWGS IMV-0008 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Soffit 3 of 4

3TH FWGS IMV-0010 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Soffit 4 of 4

3TH FWGS IMV-0011 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Vertical Joint 1 of 2

3TH FWGS IMV-0012 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Vertical Joint 2 of 2

3TH FWGS IMV-0013 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Outside Corner

3TH FWGS IMV-0015 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Inside Corner 1 of 2

3TH FWGS IMV-0015A - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Inside Corner 2 of 2

3TH FWGS IMV-0017 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Head 1 of 2

3TH FWGS IMV-0017A - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Head 2 of 2

3TH FWGS IMV-0018 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Sill

3TH FWGS IMV-0019 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Jamb 1 of 3

3TH FWGS IMV-0019A - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Jamb 2 of 3

3TH FWGS IMV-0019B - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - Jamb 3 of 3

3TH FWGS IMV-0020 - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - End Wall 1 of 2

3TH FWGS IMV-0020A - FWGX: 3-T Horizontal - End Wall 2 of 2

3TH IMV-0001 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Base 1 of 3

3TH IMV-0002 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Base 2 of 3

3TH IMV-0003 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Base 3 of 3

3TH IMV-0004 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Parapet 1 of 2

3TH IMV-0005 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Parapet 2 of 2

3TH IMV-0006 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Soffit 1 of 5

3TH IMV-0007 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Soffit 2 of 5

3TH IMV-0008 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Soffit 3 of 5

3TH IMV-0009 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Soffit 4 of 5

3TH IMV-0010 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Soffit 5 of 5

3TH IMV-0011 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Vertical Joint

3TH IMV-0013 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Outside Corner

3TH IMV-0015 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Inside Corner 1 of 2

3TH IMV-0015A - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Inside Corner 2 of 2

3TH IMV-0017 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Head 1 of 3

3TH IMV-0017A - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Head 2 of 3

3TH IMV-0017B - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Head 3 of 3

3TH IMV-0018 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Sill 1 of 2

3TH IMV-0018A - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Sill 2 of 2

3TH IMV-0019 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Jamb 1 of 3

3TH IMV-0019A - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Jamb 2 of 3

3TH IMV-0019B - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Jamb 3 of 3

3TH IMV-0020 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - End Wall 1 of 3

3TH IMV-0020A - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - End Wall 2 of 3

3TH IMV-0020B - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - End Wall 3 of 3

3TH IMV-0021 - FWDS: 3-T Horizontal - Horizontal Joint

FWDS: 2.5 Horizontal

TCI-EE-01 - Exterior Eave - Vertical

TCI-EE-02 - Exterior Eave/Rake - Vertical

TCI-HE-01 - Exterior Eave - Horizontal

TSW01001 - Base - Vertical

TSW01101 - Base Detail - Horizontal

TSW01103 - Base Detail - Base Channel - Horizontal

TSW02001 - Outside Corner - Vertical

TSW02003 - Outside Corner - Mitered - Vertical

TSW02005 - Inside Corner - Vertical

TSW02101 - Outside Corner - Horizontal

TSW02103 - Outside Corner - Mitered - Horizontal

TSW03010 - Fastener Patterns - Vertical

TSW03012 - Intermediate Fastener Patterns - Vertical

TSW03016 - Thermal Stress Relief - Vertical

TSW03020 - Vertical Joint Detail - Vertical

TSW03022 - Vertical Stack Joint - Vertical

TSW03110 - Fastener Patterns at Panel Ends - Horizontal

TSW03112 - Intermediate Fastener Patterns - Horizontal

TSW03120 - Horizontal Joint Detail - Horizontal

TSW03121 - 3 HR. Fire Rating Horizontal Joint Fastening - Horizontal

TSW03122 - Vertical Joint Detail - Horizontal

TSW10001 - 3 HR. Rating Joint Fastening - Vertical

TotalClad MW 2000 Horizontal Joint Flat

TotalClad MW 2000 Horizontal Joint Planked

TotalClad MW 2000 Horizontal Joint Striated

TotalClad MW 2000 Vertical Joint Flat

TotalClad MW 2000 Vertical Joint Planked

TotalClad MW 2000 Vertical Joint Striated

H+ 2 Horizontal Joint

H+ 2 Inside Corner

H+ 2 Endwall 1 of 2

H+ 2 Endwall 2 of 2

H+ 2 Expansion Joint

H+ 2 Vertical Joint 1 of 3

H+ 2 Vertical Joint 2 of 3

H+ 2 Vertical Joint 3 of 3

H+ 2 Base 1 of 2

H+ 2 Base 2 of 2

H+ 2 Head 1 of 1

H+ 2 Jamb 1 of 2

H+ 2 Jamb 2 of 2

H+ 2 Sill 1 of 2

H+ 2 Sill 2 of 2

H+ 2 Parapet 1 of 2

H+ 2 Parapet 2 of 2

H+ 2 Soffit 1 of 2

H+ 2 Soffit 2 of 2

H+ 2 Outside Corner 1 of 2

H+ 2 Outside Corner 2 of 2

H+ 3 Horizontal Joint

H+ 3 Inside Corner

H+ 3 End Wall 1 of 2

H+ 3 Endwall 2 of 2

H+ 3 Expansion Joint

H+ 3 Vertical Joint 1 of 3

H+ 3 Vertical Joint 2 of 3

H+ 3 Vertical Joint 3 of 3

H+ 3 Base 1 of 2

H+ 3 Base 2 of 2

H+ 3 Head

H+ 3 Jamb 1 of 2

H+ 3 Jamb 2 of 2

H+ 3 Sill 1 of 2

H+ 3 Sill 2 of 2

H+ 3 Parapet

H+ 3 Soffit 1 of 2

H+ 3 Soffit 2 of 2

H+ 3 Outside Corner 1 of 2

H+ 3 Outside Corner 2 of 2

Panel Profile Striated

Panel Profile - Planked

Panel Profile Flat

2" Panel Joint

2.75" Panel Joint

4" Panel Joint

Base at Curb with Extrusion

Base at Curb

Base at Slab with Extrusion

Base at Slab

ATMP Base at Slab

Head with Extrusion

ATMP Head at Opening


Jamb with Extrusion

ATMP Jamb at Opening



Parapet with Extrusion


Wall Soffit with Extrusion

Soffit Wall with Extrusion

Wall Soffit

Soffit Wall

Outside Corner with Extrusion

Outside Corner

Inside Corner with Extrusion

Inside Corner

Jamb at Masonry with Extrusion

Jamb at Masonry

Stack Joint with Extrusion

Stack Joint

Expansion Joint with Extrusion

Expansion Joint

ATMP Stack

VWH2-0001A-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0002A-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0002B-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0002C-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0003A-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0003B-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0004-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0005A-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0005B-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0006A-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0006B-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0007A-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0007B-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0008A-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0008B-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0008C-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0009A-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0009B-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0009C-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0010-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0011A-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0011B-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2-0013-00 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH2 - Versawall H+ 2

VWH3-0001A-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0002A-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0002B-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0002C-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0003A-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0003B-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0004-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0005A-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0005B-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0006A-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0006B-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0007A-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0008A-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0008B-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0008C-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0009A-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0009B-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0009C-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0010-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0011A-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0011B-00 - Versawall H+ 3

VWH3-0013-00 - Versawall H+ 3

Versawall H+ 2 Guide

Versawall H+ 3 Guide

Versawall H+

Lap Siding

James Hardie Building Products, Inc.

HardiePlank Steel All Details

HardiePlank Steel Door Window Jam

HardiePlank Steel Fixture Penetration

HardiePlank Steel Grade Clearance

HardiePlank Steel Hardscape Clearances Decks Porches Patios Walkways Roofs

HardiePlank Steel Horizontal Lap View - 1

HardiePlank Steel Horizontal Lap View - 2

HardiePlank Steel Inside Corner

HardiePlank Steel Outside Corner

HardiePlank Steel Parapet

HardiePlank Steel Window Door Head

HardiePlank Steel Window Sill

HardiePlank with Steel Z Furring All Details

HardiePlank with Steel Z Furring Door Window Jamb Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Steel Z Furring Fixture Penetration Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Steel Z Furring Grade Clearance Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Steel Z Furring Hardscape Clearances Rainscreen Decks Porches Patios Walkways Roof

HardiePlank with Steel Z Furring Horizontal Lap View Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Steel Z Furring Inside Corner Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Steel Z Furring Outside Corner Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Steel Z Furring Parapet Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Steel Z Furring Window Door Head Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Steel Z Furring Window Sill Rainscreen

HardiePlank Wood All Details

HardiePlank Wood Door Window Jam

HardiePlank Wood Fixture Penetration

HardiePlank Wood Grade Clearance

HardiePlank Wood Horizontal Lap View

HardiePlank Wood Inside Corner

HardiePlank Wood Outside Corner

HardiePlank Wood Parapet

HardiePlank Wood Window Door Head

HardiePlank Wood Window Sill

HardiePlank with Wood Furring Strips All Details

HardiePlank with Wood Furring Strips Door Window Jamb Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Wood Furring Strips Grade Clearance Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Wood Furring Strips Hardscape Clearances Rainscreen Decks Porches Patios Walkways

HardiePlank with Wood Furring Strips Horizontal Lap View Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Wood Furring Strips Outside Corner Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Wood Furring Strips Parapet Rainscreen

HardiePlank with Wood Furring Strips Window Door Head Rainscreen

Metal Roof Panels

FGM-Fabral LLC

LP-12 - Industrial Panels Detail Manual 3D Isometrics

LP-12 - Liner Panel






78 Corrugated Blue Book

Deep Rib IV Section View Details

Deep Rib 4

7-8 inch Corrugated Profile

78 Corrugated Blue Book 2

Industrial Panels Detail Manual 2D Sections

Industrial Panels Detail Manual 3D Isometrics

Decor Flush Detailed

Decor Flush Section View Details


2.5 SSR Panel - Detail Pages With Vented Ridge

Hefti Rib Profiles

Hefti Rib Final

Deep Rib II Profile

Industrial Panels Detail Manual 3D Isometrics 2

Industrial Panels Detail Manual 2D Sections 2

Metal Roof Panels

Everlast Metals

ASL Series Details

DL Panel Series Details

NS Series Details

SSL Series Details

Metal Roofing Systems - E TS

Superior Seam Technology - SST

TS-324 Roof System Architectural Details

Metal Roofing Systems - Pan Panel

Superior Seam Technology - SST

PanelCraft Roof System Architectural Details

Metal Roofing Systems - Trapezoidal Panel

Superior Seam Technology - SST

A_TS2_001R03BRS - 2nd Gen. TS-324 Standing Seam Profile

A_TS2_002R05BRS - 2nd Gen. TS-324 Standing Seam Notching and Punching Details

A_TS2_006R02BRSx - 2nd Gen. TS-324 Standing Seam Corrugation Details

Metal Siding

MITTEN Building Products

Board and Batten PROFILE

Board and Batten PROFILE - Reverse

Board and Batten - M01H

Board and Batten - M02H

Board and Batten - M03H

Board and Batten - M04H

Board and Batten - M05H

Board and Batten - M06H

Board and Batten - M12H

Board and Batten - M13H

Board and Batten - M17H

Board and Batten - M21H

Board and Batten - M22H

Board and Batten - M50H

Board and Batten - M51H

Board and Batten - M53H

Board and Batten - M54H

Board and Batten - M56H

Board and Batten - M57H


Harrywood PLUS - M01C

Harrywood PLUS - M03C

Harrywood PLUS - M03HW

Harrywood PLUS - M10S14

Harrywood PLUS - M10SHWP

Harrywood PLUS - M12C

Harrywood PLUS - M13C

Harrywood PLUS - M14C

Harrywood PLUS - M20C

Harrywood PLUS - M22C

Harrywood PLUS - M50C

Harrywood PLUS - M53CD

Harrywood PLUS - M56C


MS1.1 Modular PROFILE

MS1.2 Modular PROFILE










Metal Block - M01G

Metal Block - M01G PROFILE

Metal Block - M01P

Metal Block - M01P PROFILE

Metal Block - M03G

Metal Block - M03G PROFILE

Metal Block - M10G

Metal Block - M10G PROFILE

Metal Block - M11G

Metal Block - M11G PROFILE

Metal Block - M14G

Metal Block - M14G PROFILE

Metal Block - M15P

Metal Block - M20G

Metal Block - M20G PROFILE

Metal Block - M21G

Metal Block - M21G PROFILE

Metal Block - M22G

Metal Block - M22G PROFILE

Metal Block - M50G

Metal Block - M50G PROFILE

Metal Block - M51G

Metal Block - M51G PROFILE

Metal Block - M52G

Metal Block - M52G PROFILE

Metal Block - M53G

Metal Block - M53G PROFILE

Metal Block - M55G

Metal Block - M55G PROFILE

Metal Block - M56G

Metal Block - M56G PROFILE


Metal Block - MXXP

Metal Block - MXXP PROFILE


Norwood Mini - M01D

Norwood Mini - M03D

Norwood Mini - M10D

Norwood Mini - M12D - 1

Norwood Mini - M12D - 2

Norwood Mini - M12D - 3

Norwood Mini - M13D - 1

Norwood Mini - M13D - 2

Norwood Mini - M13D - 3

Norwood Mini - M20D

Norwood Mini - M22D

Norwood Mini - M53CD

Polymac - M01G

Polymac - M01G PROFILE

Polymac - M01P

Polymac - M01P PROFILE

Polymac - M03G

Polymac - M03G PROFILE

Polymac - M10G

Polymac - M10G PROFILE

Polymac - M11G

Polymac - M11G PROFILE

Polymac - M14G

Polymac - M14G PROFILE

Polymac - M15P

Polymac - M15P PROFILE

Polymac - M20G

Polymac - M20G PROFILE

Polymac - M21G

Polymac - M21G PROFILE

Polymac - M22G

Polymac - M22G PROFILE

Polymac - M50G

Polymac - M50G PROFILE

Polymac - M51G

Polymac - M51G PROFILE

Polymac - M52G

Polymac - M52G PROFILE

Polymac - M53G

Polymac - M53G PROFILE

Polymac - M55G

Polymac - M55G PROFILE

Polymac - M56G

Polymac - M56G PROFILE

Polymac 12 x 48 PROFILE

Polymac 12 x 72 PROFILE

Polymac 20 x 48 PROFILE

Polymac 20 x 72 PROFILE

Polymac Corner 12 x 12 x 20 PROFILE

Polymac Corner 12 x12 x 12 PROFILE

Polymac Ventilated 12 x 48 PROFILE

Polymac Ventilated 12 x 72 PROFILE



Versa - M01G

Versa - M01P

Versa - M03G

Versa - M10G

Versa - M11G

Versa - M14G

Versa - M15P

Versa - M20G

Versa - M21G

Versa - M22G

Versa - M50G

Versa - M51G

Versa - M52G

Versa - M53G

Versa - M55G

Versa - M56G

Versa - MXXP

Metal Siding and Roofing Panels


12 Metal Siding and Roofing Corrugated Panels

Metal Wall Panels

Everlast Metals

FIDELITY Series and Tetra Panel Installation

FP & RP Series Shops and Details

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - 1/2 in. x 2.67 in. CORRUGATED


Half Corrugated P2

Half Corrugated P1

Half Corrugated P11

Half Corrugated P12

Half Corrugated P13

Half Corrugated P14

Half Corrugated P15

Half Corrugated P16

Half Corrugated P17

Half Corrugated P10

Half Corrugated P3

Half Corrugated P4

Half Corrugated P5

Half Corrugated P6

Half Corrugated P7

Half Corrugated P8

Half Corrugated P9

Half Corrugated PC

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - 3/4 In. CORRUGATED


3/4 Corrugated P2

3/4 Corrugated P1

3/4 Corrugated P11

3/4 Corrugated P12

3/4 Corrugated P13

3/4 Corrugated P14

3/4 Corrugated P15

3/4 Corrugated P16

3/4 Corrugated P17

3/4 Corrugated P10

3/4 Corrugated P3

3/4 Corrugated P4

3/4 Corrugated P5

3/4 Corrugated P6

3/4 Corrugated P7

3/4 Corrugated P8

3/4 Corrugated P9

3/4 Corrugated PC

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - 7/8 In. CORRUGATED


7/8 Corrugated P2

7/8 Corrugated P1

7/8 Corrugated P11

7/8 Corrugated P12

7/8 Corrugated P13

7/8 Corrugated P14

7/8 Corrugated P15

7/8 Corrugated P16

7/8 Corrugated P17

7/8 Corrugated P10

7/8 Corrugated P3

7/8 Corrugated P4

7/8 Corrugated P5

7/8 Corrugated P6

7/8 Corrugated P7

7/8 Corrugated P8

7/8 Corrugated P9

7/8 Corrugated PC

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - A PANEL


A Panel P3

A Panel P1

A Panel P11

A Panel P12

A Panel P13

A Panel P14

A Panel P2

A Panel P10

A Panel P4

A Panel P6

A Panel P7

A Panel P8

A Panel P8B

A Panel P9

A Panel PC

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - FE 12


FE 12 P4

FE 12 P1

FE 12 P11

FE 12 P12

FE 12 P13

FE 12 P2

FE 12 P3

FE 12 P10

FE 12 P5

FE 12 P6

FE 12 P7

FE 12 P8

FE 12 P9

FE 12 PC

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - FE 66


FE 66 P4

FE 66 P1

FE 66 P11

FE 66 P12

FE 66 P13

FE 66 P2

FE 66 P3

FE 66 P10

FE 66 P5

FE 66 P6

FE 66 P7

FE 66 P8

FE 66 P9

FE 66 PC

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - FL 24



FL 24 3

FL 24 4

FL 24 5

FL 24 6

FL 24 7

FL 24 8

FL 24 9

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - FLEXBEAM


Flexbeam P17

Flexbeam P1

Flexbeam P10B

Flexbeam P11

Flexbeam P12

Flexbeam P13

Flexbeam P14

Flexbeam P15

Flexbeam P16

Flexbeam P10

Flexbeam P2

Flexbeam P3

Flexbeam P4

Flexbeam P5

Flexbeam P6

Flexbeam P7

Flexbeam P8

Flexbeam P9

Flexbeam PC

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - FLEXRIB


Flexrib P3

Flexrib P1

Flexrib P10B

Flexrib P11

Flexrib P12

Flexrib P13

Flexrib P14

Flexrib P15

Flexrib P16

Flexrib P17

Flexrib P2

Flexrib P10

Flexrib P4

Flexrib P5

Flexrib P5B

Flexrib P6

Flexrib P6B

Flexrib P7

Flexrib P7B

Flexrib P8

Flexrib P9

Flexrib P9B

Flexrib PC

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - FSS 1.5 STANDING SEAM


FSS 15 P21

FSS 15 P1

FSS 15 P11

FSS 15 P12

FSS 15 P13

FSS 15 P14

FSS 15 P15

FSS 15 P16

FSS 15 P17

FSS 15 P18

FSS 15 P19

FSS 15 P2

FSS 15 P20

FSS 15 P10

FSS 15 P22

FSS 15 P23

FSS 15 P24

FSS 15 P25

FSS 15 P3

FSS 15 P4

FSS 15 P5

FSS 15 P6

FSS 15 P7

FSS 15 P8

FSS 15 P9

FSS 15 Pc

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - FSS 18 STANDING SEAM


FSS 18 P22

FSS 18 P1

FSS 18 P10B

FSS 18 P11

FSS 18 P11B

FSS 18 P12

FSS 18 P13

FSS 18 P14

FSS 18 P15

FSS 18 P16

FSS 18 P17

FSS 18 P18

FSS 18 P19

FSS 18 P2

FSS 18 P20

FSS 18 P21

FSS 18 P10

FSS 18 P23

FSS 18 P24

FSS 18 P25

FSS 18 P26

FSS 18 P27

FSS 18 P28

FSS 18 P29

FSS 18 P3

FSS 18 P4

FSS 18 P5

FSS 18 P6

FSS 18 P7

FSS 18 P8

FSS 18 P9


Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - FSS 316 STANDING SEAM


FSS 316 P23

FSS 316 P1

FSS 316 P11

FSS 316 P12

FSS 316 P13

FSS 316 P14

FSS 316 P15

FSS 316 P16

FSS 316 P17

FSS 316 P18

FSS 316 P19

FSS 316 P2

FSS 316 P20

FSS 316 P21

FSS 316 P22

FSS 316 P10A

FSS 316 P24

FSS 316 P25

FSS 316 P26

FSS 316 P27

FSS 316 P28

FSS 316 P29

FSS 316 P3

FSS 316 P4

FSS 316 P4B

FSS 316 P5

FSS 316 P6

FSS 316 P7

FSS 316 P8A

FSS 316 P9A

FSS 316 PC

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - R PANEL


R Panel P2

R Panel P1

R Panel P11

R Panel P12

R Panel P13

R Panel P14

R Panel P15

R Panel P16

R Panel P17

R Panel P10

R Panel P3

R Panel P4

R Panel P5

R Panel P6

R Panel P7

R Panel P8

R Panel P9

R Panel PC

Metal Wall and Roofing Panels - VERTARIB


Vertarib P4

Vertarib P1

Vertarib P11

Vertarib P12

Vertarib P13

Vertarib P14

Vertarib P2

Vertarib P3

Vertarib P10

Vertarib P5

Vertarib P6

Vertarib P7

Vertarib P7B

Vertarib P8

Vertarib P8B

Vertarib P9

Vertarib PC

Rainscreen Systems


CSH_01 - Index

CSH_02 - Standard Panel Offering 1 of 2

CSH_03 - Standard Panel Offering 2 of 2

CSH_04 - Side Lap Details 1 of 2

Roofing and Siding Panels


Designwall 2000 - DW2000 Horizontal Installation

Designwall 2000 - DW2000 Vertical Installation

Designwall 4000 - DW4000 Horizontal Installation

Designwall 4000 - DW4000 Vertical Installation

Designwall R Series - DW2000R Horizontal Installation

KS Series Horizontal Installation

KS Series Vertical Installation

KarrierPanel Brick

KarrierPanel, Horizontal - Flat Rail - Metal Facade

KarrierPanel, Horizontal - Vertical Metal Facade

KarrierPanel, Vertical - Flat Rail - Metal Facade

KarrierPanel, Vertical - Horizontal Metal Facade

KingRib HR-3 and HR-5 Series Wall Panel

KingSeam Series Roof Panel

MF Fire Rated - Horizontal

MF Fire Rated - Vertical

Sculptform Steam Bent Timber


Sculptform steam bent timber bulkhead

Sculptform steam bent timber ceiling to wall transition

Sheet Metal - Siding

Klauer Mfg. Co.

57110 - Double 4 Inch Siding

57120 - Double 5 Inch Siding

57130 - Double 5 Inch Dutchlap Siding

57140 - 8 Inch Horizontal Siding

57150 - 8 Inch Vertical Siding

57160 - 6 Inch Siding

Sheet Metal - Soffit

Klauer Mfg. Co.

48300 - 12 Inch Solid Soffit Panel

48310 - 12 Inch Full Vent Soffit Panel

48320 - 12 Inch Center Vent Soffit Panel

48330 - 16 Inch Solid Soffit Panel

48340 - 16 Inch Full Vent Soffit Panel

48350 - 16 Inch Center Vent Soffit Panel

Shingle Siding

James Hardie Building Products, Inc.

HardieShingle Steel All Details

HardieShingle Steel Door Window Jamb

HardieShingle Steel Fixture Penetration

HardieShingle Steel Grade Clearance

HardieShingle Steel Hardscape Clearances Decks Porches Patios Walkways Roofs

HardieShingle Steel Horizontal Lap View

HardieShingle Steel Inside Corner

HardieShingle Steel Outside Corner

HardieShingle Steel Parapet

HardieShingle Steel Window Door Head

HardieShingle Steel Window Sill

HardieShingle Steel with Z Furring All Details

HardieShingle Steel with Z Furring Door Window Jamb Rainscreen

HardieShingle Steel with Z Furring Grade Clearance Rainscreen

HardieShingle Steel with Z Furring Hardscape Clearances Rainscreen Decks Porches Patios Walkways Roofs

HardieShingle Steel with Z Furring Horizontal Lap View Rainscreen

HardieShingle Steel with Z Furring Inside Corner Rainscreen

HardieShingle Steel with Z Furring Outside Corner Rainscreen

HardieShingle Steel with Z Furring Parapet Rainscreen

HardieShingle Steel with Z Furring Window Door Head Rainscreen

HardieShingle Steel with Z Furring Window Sill Rainscreen

HardieShingle Wood All Details

HardieShingle Wood Door Window Jamb

HardieShingle Wood Fixture Penetration

HardieShingle Wood Grade Clearance

HardieShingle Wood Hardscape Clearances Decks Porches Patios Walkways Roofs

HardieShingle Wood Horizontal Lap View

HardieShingle Wood Inside Corner

HardieShingle Wood Outside Corner

HardieShingle Wood Parapet

HardieShingle Wood Window Door Head

HardieShingle Wood Window Sill

HardieShingle Wood with Furring Strips All Details

HardieShingle Wood with Furring Strips Door Window Jamb Rainscreen

HardieShingle Wood with Furring Strips Fixture Penetration Rainscreen

HardieShingle Wood with Furring Strips Grade Clearance Rainscreen

HardieShingle Wood with Furring Strips Hardscapes Clearances Rainscreen Porches Patios Walkways Roofs

HardieShingle Wood with Furring Strips Horizontal Lap View Rainscreen

HardieShingle Wood with Furring Strips Inside Corner Rainscreen

HardieShingle Wood with Furring Strips Outside Corner Rainscreen

HardieShingle Wood with Furring Strips Parapet Rainscreen

HardieShingle Wood with Furring Strips Window Door Head Rainscreen

HardieShingle Wood with Furring Strips Window Sill Rainscreen


MITTEN Building Products

D4 Jambfit



QA 1004 new 90 D5 Vert

QA 1032A Triple 10 hor

QA 1062C D 4.5 DUTCH

QA 1064A D 4 cove

QA 1096 B D4 H

QA 1096 B D4 H_1

QA 1097A Board & Batten

QA 1110 D5 H

QA 1117 Sentry D4 H

QA 1118 Sentry D4.5 C


QA 1135 D5 C

QA 1136 -b Invisavent

QA 1142 D4.5DL HB .050








Snap-Clad 22 Ga. Deck wISO

Petersen Aluminum Corp.

Eave Detail 1

Eave Detail 2

Eave Detail 3

Fascia to Rake Wall Detail

Fascia to Soffit Transition 1

Fascia to Soffit Transition 2

Gable Detail

Gravel Stop Head Detail

Gutter Detail 1

Gutter Detail 2

Headwall Detail

Hip Ridge Detail

Inside Corner Detail

Outside Corner Detail

Peak Detail

Pitch Break Detail

Rake Detail

Sill Detail

Valley Detail

Vented Ridge Detail

Snap-Clad Plywood Deck Details

Petersen Aluminum Corp.

Gutter Detail 2

SC eave detail 1

SC eave detail 2

SC eave detail 3

SC fascia to soffit transition 1

SC fascia to soffit transition 2

SC fasciarake wall detail

SC gable detail

SC gravel stophead detail

SC gutter detail

SC head wall detail

SC hipridge detail

SC inside corner detail

SC outside corner detail

SC peak detail

SC pitch break detail

SC rake detail

SC sill detail

SC valley detail

SC vented ridge detail

Steel Siding

Quality Edge

TruCedar 10" Board and Batten

TruCedar 6" Board and Batten

TruCedar Double 4" Siding

TruCedar Shake

TruCedar Single 6" Lap Siding

TruCedar Single 6" Dutch Lap

TruCedar Single 8" Siding

3/4" J-Channel

1" J-Channel

2-Piece Outside Corner Post Base

2-Piece Outside Corner Post Cap

3" Starter Strip

4" Starter Strip

6" Woodgrain Fascia

8" Woodgrain Fascia

Batten Trim

Board and Batten Z-Flashing

Brick Ledge Flashing

Inside Corner Post

Outside Corner Post

6" Vesta Fascia

8" Vesta Fascia

Large Outside Corner

Plank Brick Ledge Flashing

Plank H-Channel

Plank J-Channel

Plank L Flashing

Plank Outside Corner

Plank Starter Strip

Plank Support Trim

Vesta Drip Cap

Vesta Inside Corner Post

Vesta Siding

Vesta Utility Trim

Tite-Loc 22 Ga. Deck wISO

Petersen Aluminum Corp.

TiteLoc Plate Eave detail 1

TiteLoc Plate Gable Detail

TiteLoc Plate Gutter Detail

TiteLoc Plate Head Wall Detail

TiteLoc Plate Hip Ridge Detail

TiteLoc Plate Peak Detail

TiteLoc Plate Pitch Break Detail

TiteLoc Plate Rake Detail

TiteLoc Plate Valley Detail

TiteLoc Plate Vented Ridge Detail

TL Fascia to Rake Wall Detail

TL Inside Corner 701

TL Outside Corner 801

Tite-Loc 22 Ga. Deck wWood Block

Petersen Aluminum Corp.

TiteLoc Wood Eave detail 1

TiteLoc Wood Fascia Rake Wall Detail

TiteLoc Wood Fascia to Soffit 305k

TiteLoc Wood Fascia to Soffit 405K

TiteLoc Wood Gable Detail

TiteLoc Wood Gravel Stop Head Detail

TiteLoc Wood Gutter Detail

TiteLoc Wood Head Wall Detail

TiteLoc Wood Hip Ridge Detail

TiteLoc Wood Inside Corner Detail

TiteLoc Wood Outside Corner Detail

TiteLoc Wood Peak Detail

TiteLoc Wood Pitch Break Detail

TiteLoc Wood Rake Detail

TiteLoc Wood Sill Detail

TiteLoc Wood Valley Detail

TiteLoc Wood Vented Ridge Detail

Tite-Loc Plywood Deck

Petersen Aluminum Corp.

Eave Drawing 1

Eave Drawing 2

Eave Drawing 3

Eave Drawing 4

Fascia to Soffit Transition

Fascia to Soffit Transition 2

FasciaRake Wall Detail


Gravel StopHead Detail


Head Wall

HipRidge Detail

Inside Corner

Outside Corner

Peak Detail

Pitch Brake

Sill Detail

Valley Detail

Vented Ridge Detail

Vertical Siding

James Hardie Building Products, Inc.

HardiePanel Steel All Details

HardiePanel Steel Door Window Jamb

HardiePanel Steel Fixture Penetration

HardiePanel Steel Grade Clearance

HardiePanel Steel Hardscape Clearances Decks Porches Patios Walkways Roofs

HardiePanel Steel Horizontal View

HardiePanel Steel Inside Corner

HardiePanel Steel Outside Corner

HardiePanel Steel Window Door Head

HardiePanel Steel Window Sill

HardiePanel with Steel Z Furring All Details

HardiePanel with Steel Z Furring Door Window Jamb Rainscreen

HardiePanel with Steel Z Furring Fixture Penetration Rainscreen

HardiePanel with Steel Z Furring Grade Clearance Rainscreen

HardiePanel with Steel Z Furring Horizontal View Rainscreen - 1

HardiePanel with Steel Z Furring Horizontal View Rainscreen - 2

HardiePanel with Steel Z Furring Inside Corner Rainscreen

HardiePanel with Steel Z Furring Outside Corner Rainscreen

HardiePanel with Steel Z Furring Parapet Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood All Details

HardiePanel Wood Door Window Jamb

HardiePanel Wood Fixture Penetration

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips 1-2 in. or Less Penetration Treatment Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Door Window Jamb Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Fixture Penetration Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Grade Clearance Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Hardscape Clearance Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Horizontal Break at Floor Transition Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Inside Corner Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Inside Corner Rainscreen B

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Outside Corner Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Outside Corner Rainscreen B

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Parapet

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Vented Parapet Wall

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Wall and Soffit for Vented Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Wall and Soffit for Ventilated Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Window Door Head Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood Furring Strips Window Sill Rainscreen

HardiePanel Wood Grade Clearance

HardiePanel Wood Hardscape Clearances Decks Porches Patios Walkways Roofs

HardiePanel Wood Horizontal View

HardiePanel Wood Inside Corner

HardiePanel Wood Outside Corner

HardiePanel Wood Parapet

HardiePanel Wood Window Door Head

HardiePanel Wood Window Sill

Vinyl Siding and Soffit


5/8" F-channel

3/4" F-channel

1 1/2" J-channel

1/2" J-channel

5/8" J-channel

3/4" J-channel

Wide Faced J-channel

3 1/2" Lineal

3/4" H-molding

3/4" Inside Corner

3/4" x 3.00" Outside Corner Post

3/4" x 4.00" Outside Corner Post

3/4" x 7.00" Fluted Outside Corner Post

45 degree Outside Corner Post

5" Lineal

7" Board and Batten Siding

Architectural Shakes

Beaded Corner Starter

Charter Oak Clapboard Siding, double 4 1/2"

Charter Oak Clapboard Siding, double 4 1/2" XL

Charter Oak Clapboard Siding, double 4 1/2" XL, matte finish

Charter Oak Clapboard Siding, double 4 1/2" XXL

Charter Oak Clapboard Siding, double 4 1/2", matte finish

Charter Oak Dutchlap Siding, double 4 1/2"

Charter Oak Dutchlap Siding, double 4 1/2" XL

Charter Oak Dutchlap Siding, double 4 1/2" XXL

Conquest Clapboard Siding, double 4 1/2"

Coventry Dutch Lap Siding, double 4"

Coventry Clapboard Siding, double 5"

Coventry Clapboard Siding, double 4"

Conquest Dutchlap Siding, double 4 1/2"

Coventry Dutch Lap Siding, double 5"

Double Finish Trim

Finish Trim (undersill)

Odyssey Plus Clapboard Siding, double 4"

Odyssey Plus Dutchlap Siding, double 5"

Odyssey Plus Dutchlap Siding, double 4"

Odyssey Plus Clapboard Siding, double 5"

Prodigy D5 Dutch Lap

Prodigy D6 Clapboard

Williamsport Colonial Siding, beaded 6 1/2"

2-T Soffit 12" Groove Aerated Soffit Woodgrain

Charter Oak T3.33 Solid Soffit

Double 5" Punched Soffit

2-T Soffit 12" Groove Solid Soffit Woodgrain

Alliance T4 12" Aeriated Soffit

Alliance T4 12" Groove Center Aeriated Soffit, Matte

Alliance T4 12" Groove Solid Soffit, Woodgrain

Alliance T4 12" Groove Solid Soffit, Matte

Charter Oak Soffit reinforced lock

Double 5" Punched Soffit - Aeriated

Charter Oak T3.33 Hidden Vent Soffit

Fairweather 12" Aerated Soffit

Fairweather 12" Solid Soffit

Greenbriar 8" Beaded Soffit - Solid

Greenbriar 8" Beaded Soffit - Aeriated

Greenbriar 8" Beaded Soffit

